S.NO Name of FDP/Training Programme Date/Period Resource Persons Total No. Benifited
Internal External Total
Outcome Sponsoring Authority
1 One Day Workshop on “Curriculum Design” 30-07-2016 Dr. K. Ramesh Kuma, Dr. B.V.S.S.S Prasad, Dr. P. Bangaru Babu
35 NIL 35
Awareness on curriculum design. Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru
2 One Day Workshop on “Curriculum Design” 25-03-2017 Dr. K. Ramesh. Dr. B.V.S.S.S Prasad, Dr. P. Bangaru babu
35 NIL 35
It gives awareness on curriculum design. Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru.
3 A One Week Refresher Course on “Finite Element Analysis” 19th - 24th June, 2017; 9.00 A.M to 5 P.M Dr. B. Sreenivasa Rao, Dr. P. Bangaru babu, Dr. K Srinivasa Rao, Dr. K. Brahma raju
40 NIL 40
Gives awareness on Finite Element Analysis Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru.
4 Outcome Based Education 9th December, 2017; 9.00 A.M to 5.00 P.M Dr. A. Venu Gopal
40 NIL 40
Awareness on Outcome based Education Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru.
5 Two Day Training on “Proge-CAD” 06th - 7th December, 2017; 9.00 A.M to 5 P.M Sri D. Tarun, Sri V. Mohan Srikanth, Sri B. Kotilingam
40 nil 40
Hands on training on Proge-CAD Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru.
6 MATLAB and Its Applications 8th - 9th Febuary, 2018; 9.00 A.M to 5 P.M Sri J Prem Kumar
35 nil 35
Awareness on MATLAB tools and Applications Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru.
7 Computational Fluid Dynamics 18th - 23rd June, 2018; 9.00 A.M to 5 P.M Dr. R. Krishna Murthy, Dr. K. Arul Prakash, Ms N. Sravya, Dr. D. Jaya Krishna, Dr. S. Anil lal, Dr. B.V. S.S.S. Prasad
35 20 55
Imparting basic Knowledge in CFD AICTE-ISTE
8 Characterization of Metal matrix Composites 11-08-2018, 9.00 A.M to 5.00 P.M Dr. M. Gopi Krishna, Dr. D. Nageswara Rao
35 nil 35
Imparting knowledge on Metal matrix composites IE(I),APSC, Vijayawada
9 Advances in manufacturing 16th – 17th November, 2018; 9.00 A.M to 5.00 P.M Dr. A. Krishnaiah, Dr.P. Vamsi Krishna, Dr. G. Venkatesh, Dr. K Siva Prasad, Dr. C. Sathiya Narayanan
35 NIL 35
Imparting knowledge on advances in Manufacturing. Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru.
10 Simulation based Engineering science and High performance Computing21st Century 3rd December 2018 prof. J.S. Rao
250 NIL 250
Impart knowledge on Simulation based Engineering science and High performance Computing21st Century Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru
11 Design and Analysis of Experiments 30/8/2019 Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao
48 2 50
Awareness on using Design of Experiments software. Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru.
12 One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering” 1506.2020 to 20.06.2020 Dr. M Ravi Shankar, IIT Tirupati, Dr. P. Bangaru Babu, NIT Warangal, Dr. T. Srinivas NIT Jalandhar, Dr. D. Jaya Krishna NIT Warangal, Dr. P. Vamsi Krishna, NIT Warangal, Mr. P.V.S. Krishna Mohan Sharma,Senior Manager, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Chennai
33 300 330
Participants got exposure on recent trends in Mechanical engineering Gudlavalleru Engineering college.
13 Three day Online FDP on 17 Mar 2021 to 19 Mar 2021 Dr. K Srinivasa Reddy, Dr. D. Ravindra, Dr. A, Geeta
30 110 140
Got Exposure on electric vehicles Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru
14 A 5 day Faculty development program on Recent trends in Thermal Engineering 6 sep 2021 to 10 sep 2021 Dr. E. Anil Kumar, Dr. Karthik Balasubrahmanian, Dr. L G Kiran kumar, Dr. D JayaKrishna, Dr. Madan Mohan
34 130 164
Faculty got exposure in recent trends and research areas in Thermal engineering Seshadri rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College
15 Faculty Development Program 20th-25th June 2022 Dr. M. Ravi Shankar, Dr. P. Vamsi Krishna, Dr. T, Srinivas, Dr. Shailendra singh Bhadauria, Dr. G. Srinivas, Dr. P. Rem Kumar
34 102 136
Participants got exposure on latest technologies in Mechanical engieering. SR GEC GUDLAVALLERU.
16 one week Online Faculty development Program 06th - 10th March, 2023 Dr. V. Pandu ranga, Dr. Somasekhar S.H, Dr. Shiv Raman, Dr. G. Venkatesh, Dr. M. Sridharan
29 102 131
Participants got exposure on the methodologies to implement the principles of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning in Mechanical engineering applications. SR GEC GUDLAVALLERU.
17 Machine learning applications in Mechanical Engineering 03.02.2025 to 14.2.2025 1. Dr G. Venkatesh, NIT Warangal 2) Prof. Y Ravi Kumar NIT Warangal
37 4 41
Faculty members got exposed to the concepts of Machine learning in Mechanical engineering applications. SRGEC in association with I & CT, NIT Warangal
18 Machine Learning and its prospects in Manufacturing & Industry 4.0 10.2.2025 to 15.2.2025 1)Dr. A Bharadwa, Co-founder & ABTechVille LLP 2) Dr. M Manjaiah, Assistant Professor & NIT Warangal 3) Mr. V A Raju Naga Raju. Founder and CEO & Tekcrux Private Limited 4) Dr. V Sunil Kumar. Director, Data Science & Ericsson 5) Mr. D Sai Satish,Founder and CEO & Indian Servers Pvt. Ltd 6) Mr. P Sunil Kumar, Corporate Trainer and Consultant & Tekcrux Private Limited 7) Mr. D RamakrishnaCEO & Efftronics Systems Pvt. Ltd 8) Ms. Sravya Nimmagadda, Senior Applied Scientist, Autonomous Vehicles, NVIDIA, USA 9) Dr. Vatrapu Ravi Director(DEAL) & Loretta Rogers Research Chair in Digital Enterprise, Metropolitan University. Cannada 10) Dr. Srinivasu Gangi Setti,Assistant Professor & NIT Raipur 11)Dr. Vijaya Choyal,Professor & NIT Warangal 12) Dr. Swamy Naidu, Professor & NIT Raipur
20 138 160
ATAL Academy
19 One week Faculty Skill Development Programme on 11.3.2024 to 16.3.2024 1) Sri A. Baradwaj, CEO 2) Sri B. Dinesh Kumar, Technical Speaker 3) Sri N. Sandeep, Technical Trainer 4) Sri B. Manikyam, IoT Intern
45 0 46
faculty got practical exposure on IoT based tools. SRGEC